"It is exercise alone that supports the spirit and keeps the mind in vigor"

The ancient civilisation of Sparta practices the tradition where all children of Sparta are responsible to serve its government. For that purpose alone, a child of Sparta needs to be strong and a fast learner just to survive. The Spartan government prides strength, power and mental capability to bring their civilisation to new heights.


I'll show you that I Can
Excellence is an Attitude
Star Wars 5KM
Spartan Kids
Spider Boy
My Journey
Year 2020

The COVID19 pandemic has changed how I continue onwards with my journey in fitness and health. I mostly clock 10km of biking or 5km of running around my neighborhood utilizing strava to keep me in check. I have come to appreciate physical fitness as a prerequisite to for the endurance of mental prowess.

Year 2019

2019 was a year where I ventured into various other sporting activity aside from my training in BJJ and swimming! From team based football and badminton to individual focused sports such as figure skating and rock climbing. Rock climbing came so naturally to me that I was given the nickname spider-boy!

Year 2018

I started training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) as a form of fitness and self defence on top of swimming. I've come to appreaciate that both of these are lifeskills for survival. My most crucial take away from BJJ are the values of compassion, bravery, honesty and humility; values which forms the ethics and moral code of this martial art form.